Rules & Regulations

Participation is open to:

  • Health PEI employees in the Queens County area and;
  • Members of the QEH “family” (casual and non-salaried employees, volunteers, physicians and QEH Auxiliary).

A minimum of 400 participants is required at all times.

$5.00 will be deducted from the employee’s pay each payday (every 2 weeks). These deductions are not eligible for charitable receipts.

Those not on the Health PEI payroll, but included in the QEH family can participate by paying one lump sum of $130 per year (cash, cheque or credit card).

All proceeds are shared between the QEH Foundation and the QEH Auxiliary, and will be used toward the annual equipment campaign.

Each payday winner is notified personally. 


To register for the Workin’ 2 Win draw select an option below.

* indicates a required field