Wo He Lo Holds Successful Mother’s Day Online Auction
APRIL 24, 2023

Wo He Lo members are thrilled with the success of their new initiative, a Mother’s Day auction, that wrapped up on April 24th. This event is the latest in many fundraising initiatives that Wo He Lo members have organized over the past 90 years, all in support of the Island’s most fragile babies in the Provincial NICU at QEH.
Wo He Lo president Theresa Corcoran says they are delighted with the results of this first-time event.
“Thanks to everyone who kindly donated their wonderful items and to all who placed bids or made a donation, we raised $46,797,” says Corcoran. “We are thrilled to have accomplished our commitment to fund the infant simulator and purchase the OmniBed shuttle. We’d like to give a special thanks to our 50/50 winner Margaret Giddings from Charlottetown who won $1,797 and caringly donated it back to Wo He Lo to help the Provincial NICU.”
About Wo-He-Lo:
Wo He Lo will be celebrating its 90th anniversary this year and is devoted to their motto of work, help and love. The club’s goal is to raise funds to purchase priority medical equipment to care for infants at the QEH, and to date, has raised over $1 million for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Helen Chapman
Director, Donor Relations