
Feb 17 2025


2:30 pm

Matrix Fights Cancer

The Mid-Isle Matrix is the AAA male hockey association for the central part of the Island, which includes young players from Borden, Kensington, Rustico and North River. The fundraiser is back again for the second year and Matrix teams are looking for your support to fund priority medical equipment needs for the Provincial Cancer Treatment Centre at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

“All 4 Matrix hockey teams join forces at the Eliyahu Wellness Centre in Rustico to fight cancer โ€“ and we’re doing it in PINK! ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ฅ

Wear your pink, show your support, and help us raise money for the QEH Foundation. All funds go to cancer research. For anyone who would prefer to donate on-line, you can donate to

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